Change GDM background color to match your GDM theme (applies to Xfce)

Please read the Launchpad bug report where the issue was raised.

At the bottom of /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default change :

 # Default value
        if [ "x$BACKCOLOR" = "x" ]; then


 # Default value
        if [ "x$BACKCOLOR" = "x" ]; then

Where #dab082 is the default brown color that appears right after GDM exits and before the desktop files are loaded. Works nicely with Xfce here.

Edit: from the bug report, the bug is fixed in Hardy :)

7 thoughts on “Change GDM background color to match your GDM theme (applies to Xfce)

  1. Pingback: Changer la couleur de l’arrière plan de GDM pour qu’elle s’accorde avec son thème « b-initials2fr

  2. Shanda

    Thank you! I was wondering how to get rid of that retina-scorching Beige Screen. My eyes appreciate this.

  3. bon vivant

    Amazing!! Thanks a bunch. I’d really like to know why the script doesn’t pick up on the background color set in Metacity/Gnome/Whatever..

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