Medibuntu: non-free-codecs for hardy

Due to the interest to my previous post on gutsy, here is the procedure to install non-free-codecs on hardy:

  • Add the Medibuntu repositories to your sources.list:
    ## Medibuntu.
    deb hardy free non-free
  • Add the key to your keyring, reload the sources.list file and install the package:

    wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install non-free-codecs

You need to add the key if you got to this article searching for the following error:

W: GPG error: hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A2783

Here is the package description for the *codecs from Medibuntu:

bapoumba@scorpio:~$ sudo aptitude show non-free-codecs
Package: non-free-codecs
New: yes
State: installed
Automatically installed: yes
Version: 1.1
Priority: extra
Section: non-free/metapackages
Maintainer: Medibuntu Packaging Team <>
Uncompressed Size: 32.8k
Depends: w32codecs
Description: Non-free codecs
 This package depends on the binaries codecs package matching your architecture
 (w32codecs for i386, w64codecs for amd64 and ppc-codecs for powerpc systems). 
 It can be safely removed.


4 thoughts on “Medibuntu: non-free-codecs for hardy

  1. Pingback: Medibuntu: non-free-codecs for gutsy « b-initials

  2. ma2s

    if my compy don’t hve internt connection (offline), and don’t hve repo’s DVD how can i install aplications (package) in my hardy??

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